

These past couple of weekends have been super busy for me so I haven't had much time to work on my own projects. It seems like once life dies down, we're just back to cleaning the house up again!

I've spent several hours each weekend sewing together penguin costumes for my friend's two kids. They turned out very cute and, actually, helped me gain some more sewing skills and a teensy bit more confidence. 

However, this weekend will be spent in the kitchen. I'm hoping to process some apples (into what, I'm not sure yet), make homemade bread, hummus, and marinara sauce.

I'm a little frustrated with myself because I put off processing our apples for so long (and didn't have room in the fridge), that they sat out on our counter and four-five of the twenty pounds we picked went bad and had to be thrown out. Grrr.

Now that November is almost here (where has the time gone??), its time to begin on my Christmas gift projects, begin Christmas card signing EARLY, and hopefully make us a duvet cover.

I'm really doubting that with two weekends out of town I will finish a duvet cover, but we shall see how it all goes.

Anyway, back to work.

I hope everyone has a good week. Any big projects coming up?

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